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Choose Your Cup Size!

There are many things I love about parties and events. The creative process in design, the need for attention to detail, brainstorming and problem solving along the way, and working with amazing people, just to name a few. But, I realized recently that what I love the very most about On Point and planning and designing events is that I get to share in people's most important and treasured moments. I get to come alongside people, share in their milestones of life and bring immense joy, celebration and love to those occasions.

A women whom I am proud to call a friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and will undergo surgery shortly. She decided to take something that could be rather somber and turn it into something beyond wonderful in many ways - one which was an event of awareness and support. A "boob-voyage." And, she asked if I would do the event. Immediately, I was on board.

Early on in planning this "boob-voyage," I became curious about the term "bon-voyage." The definition says it is "used to express good wishes to someone about to go on a journey." And this event was exactly that!

This was a fun party to design. Though I love pink, I wanted to use a different color for this event. Instead, I wanted something bright and cheery! The yellow and blue was just that! When I saw the yellow doilies I thought they'd be the perfect accent to use as they matched the invitation and lacy little bra design She Designs created for the invitations. Collaborating with her is always so much fun. I also collaborated with Something Sweet for the coordinating cookies - they turned out just like we wanted! They caused a lot of laughs, and were a good conversation piece.

Though some people may be offended by the exposed, natural breasts, this event was in part removing the weirdness of this topic, taking away the taboo nature of such. It reminds me so much of the topic of breastfeeding and how some people view it as "inappropriate", which I won't even get started on. That's a blog post for another time.

Did you know that 1 in 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer? And that is even without a family history of such. I was shocked to learn that - that is such a high statistic! Why are we not talking about this more? We were able to provide attendees with screening information related to cancer in addition to some facts and myths. Also included was info on support of Jessica and her family as they journey through this time. Without us knowing, the date of this event was actually World Cancer Day as well. How awesome of a coincidence is that? Overall, this event was so uplifting, empowering and inspiring - I was blessed to plan and design it, and put my love into each detail!



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